📝 Can you support the Onda Solidaria Children's Aid boot appeal?

Our Brazilian friends Ricardo and Vera Hallum are looking for monetary donations or actual football boot donations to support the work that Children’s Aid and Onda Solidaria continue to do in Brazil.

As a club, we’ve been supporting them since 2004 and you may remember the players visited one of the projects when City were in Brazil in 2014.

Vera is heading out to Brazil in November to organise a Christmas party for the children who take part in their educational, sport and environmental projects and the donations before Friday, November 9 will help with this.

You can help in the following way:

  • £20 donation would purchase a new pair of football boots
  • £10 for a half share in a pair of football boots
  • £5 for a pair of football socks
  • Or you can donate a second hand pair of either childrens or adults football boots.

To make a donation please contact Vera on 07955005262 or by emailing: veraqueiroz@hotmail.com

More information can be found at: www.ondasolidaria.org