📝 Supporters' Trust board nomination deadline

Ahead of this year’s Trust AGM, the deadline for Trustee nominations is Saturday, October 12 at noon.

The AGM is being held at the Phoenix Centre, Gandy Street, Exeter, and will take place on Saturday, November 16, commencing at 11am.

This year there are 5 places available, with two current Trustees (Paul Farley and Martin Weiler) having reached the end of their maximum term of office (9 years), whilst a further two Trustees (Clive Harrison and Neil Le Milliere) must decide if they are to stand for re-election.

Any member, over 16, can stand to become a Trustee providing you are able to pass the English Football League fit and proper test.

It is the Trust’s aim to have a diverse Board, with a broad range of skill sets.

It would enhance the Board effectiveness, if you can offer experience in any of the following fields:

  • Law
  • Commercial and business management
  • Marketing; PR; Social Media
  • HR
  • IT
  • Financial management

The Trust would also welcome nominations from people who can represent or contribute views from:

  • The u-25 age group;
  • Disabled members;
  • Ethnic minorities;
  • Female supporters.

If you feel you possess the necessary skills and are able to devote some time to the role, you are encouraged you to put your name forward.

For more information on the 2019 AGM, and to download the Trustee Election Pack, click here.

Nominations should be sent to the Returning Officer at:

ECFC Returning Officer
10 Chariot Drive
TQ12 3GF

Email: rx8man@btinternet.com

Requests for information about nominations or the AGM can also be made to the following email address: enquiries@weownexetercityfc.co.uk