❤️ Maurice Mason: 1937 - 2020

Everyone at Exeter City were saddened to hear of the passing of Maurice Mason at the age of 82.

A hugely popular figure, Maurice had been working at St James Park on matchdays for the last 18 years and will be deeply missed.

He ran the matchday players car park and was known for being strict but fair and making incredible use of such a small space. 

The club has been overwhelmed with tributes from players, former players and supporters.

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Absolutely gutted to hear the sad news of Maurice passing today, to me Maurice was a true legend and someone that made this great community club so special, for the past 5 years Maurice would be the first person i spoke to on match day and the first one to moan at me for not parking in the right place. I would often wind him up by parking in the one place he said not to 😂 which would always bring a look of disgust!! After all that he would always look after my family on match day and always had time for a hug with my wife❤️. We talked, laughed and prayed together and I will truly miss not seeing him on game day. My prayers go out to all Maurice’s friends and family in this difficult time. RIP Maurice 💔 #legend

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Rest easy, Maurice