📝 Foundation season ticket holder benefit distribution

Members of the Exeter City Foundation who are also season ticket holders are entitled to an annual benefit.

The benefit consist of either a 'cash-back' of £23 (equivalent of a £1 reduction for each home match) or a £30 shop voucher.

To be eligible, people should have been members of the scheme for at least 6 months.

This season is problematic due to the Covid-19 pandemic, however the club intends to maintain this important benefit. The only change will be that where our bank holds banking details, we will pay qualifying members by bank transfer rather than cheque as this is much easier and more acceptable as people increasingly use contactless banking.

We will endeavour to distribute benefits before the start of the League season and assume that Members wish to have the same benefits as last year. If members wish to change their benefit then please contact Foundation Admin on 07527 221244.

Watch this space.