📝 Cans for City pays for new pressure washer

The Cans for City recycling scheme has paid for a new pressure washer for St James Park.

The latest batch of cans, 13 huge bags full and weighing in at 920kg, raised a huge £680 which has in part paid for the pressure washer which will enable the cleaning of the wheelie bins, the stands and ground areas in general to get under way in time for the new season.

If you would like to support Cans for City, please collect all your empty Aluminium drinks cans and drop them off at SJP in one of the two collecting cages situated in, Red Square by the Information hut or, by the Stadium Way turnstiles. 


Please bag up your Aluminium cans and drop them off at SJP at any time, if you can crush them then they take up less space and you can get even more into a supermarket carrier bag.

Cans for City has so far also made a donation towards the building and planting of The Memorial Garden, purchased the wooden bench for The Memorial Garden and funded one of the Returning Soldier Silhouettes that are in place at SJP.

This is a 'Win/Win' situation, ECFC benefits from the extra monies generated, and the Environment benefits from recycling something which then doesn't just get dumped.
So please support this 'at no cost' scheme to help ECFC in these times of uncertainty.