💬 Nick Hawker: "I’m running out of superlatives to describe the massive generosity of our supporters."

In the latest newsletter to members, Exeter City Supporters' Trust chairman Nick Hawker thanked fans for their generosity as we prepare for the play-off final at Wembley Stadium.

Writing in the newsletter, Nick Hawker, said:

"I’m not sure about you but I watched the play-off semi-final second leg at home, armed with a pint of Yellow Hammer and a Chinese take-away!

It was an odd experience to be sure, but how wonderful was it to see so many friendly faces lining the Stagecoach Adam Stansfield Stand!? The cardboard cut-outs looked amazing and earned the Club a reasonable income!

The Trust Board were delighted to fund the transport of all these supporter images to Wembley and back again. I should also thank those supporters who collected and laid out the amazing display of flags and banners. I do know that it took some doing! St James Park looked amazing! To top it all, our own Trustee, Jon Beer, was invited to co-commentate on the game for BBC Radio.

Though I’m running out of superlatives to describe the massive generosity of our supporters here are some numbers that will be of interest I’m sure!

 - Supporters Donating Season Ticket Refunds: £47,498
 - Supporters Donating Match-Day Ticket Refunds: £4,500
 - Trust Member Donations: £3,165

(Numbers correct as of Sunday 21st June 2020)

On top of this friends of the Club raised well over £3k from an on-line funding page, through the sale of face masks, and an earlier funding page. Donations are still coming in and I’ll update later but of course, on behalf of the Trust and Club, thank you so very much!

Hopefully, some of you will have been able to attend the recent Trust Forum Webinar, featuring Matt Taylor, Julian Tagg, Justin Quick, and myself. It was a great way to keep folk informed and I must thank Richard Knight for organising it, and Scott Palfrey for hosting the event. I believe it can still be viewed here!

In the next couple of weeks, I hope that the Trust Board will approve the use of electronic voting for this years Trustee elections. The selected software has been rigorously tested and we have been especially keen to ensure that members living abroad were included in the testing phase. We’re delighted that our Returning Officer and Independent Observer have both agreed to approve its use. We hope that this will enable more people to vote, as well as significantly reducing the cost of the combined election/AGM.

All that remains now is to wish the team the absolute best of fortune on Monday. I’m sure you will all be there in spirit, or in cardboard, at least!

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.

Come on you reds!

Nick Hawker, Trust Chairman