💬 Kevin Nicholson: "If you start thinking that you have cracked it then you are done because there are always people who are trying to be better than you."

Kevin Nicholson gave an in-depth interview into his time at the club so far following his appointment as Exeter City's head of coaching nine months' ago.

The role sees Kevin work with all age groups to ensure that there is a consistency in coaching methods from the under-9s right the way through to the first team.He does this by working with the coaches at the club and helping develop them and make sure they are all working from the same page.

In the interview he touched on a number of subjects such as the strength of Exeter City's Academy, the talent of young players the club has coming through the system as well as the excellent facilities the club has at the Cliff Hill training ground. 

Speaking about the standard of the Academy and its importance to Exeter City, Kevin said: "It is excellent. It has areas to improve. The thing about football, and we talk a lot about it in the academy, is that if you stand still you actually go backwards. If you start thinking that you have cracked it then you are done because there are always people who are trying to take the best players and there are always people who are trying to be better than you. So the one thing that I have noticed is this common need and hunger to get better."

You can watch Kevin's full interview below: