📝 Mike Flack scoops October's big Foundation prize

October’s winner the the Exeter City Foundation’s BIG prize of £1,000 was a man with a City-legend name, Mike Flack.

Mike will use the money to go towards next season’s season ticket and a new bike and cycling gear. Speaking about following the Grecians, Mike said:

"I've been watching City since about 1977, one of the first matches I remember going to see was the league cup tie against Aston Villa in 1977, with Jimmy Rimmer getting heckled by the fans as he was marking out (cutting up) sections of the penalty box with his boots.

"I have great memories of the cup run in 1981, though I feel the ref might have been slightly biased towards the home side when we played Spurs, especially when Ian Pearson got taken out by Graham Roberts.

"Other memorable matches include our two matches against Manchester United in 2005, along with the play-off final at Wembley when we beat Cambridge to return to the Football League. As well as a lot of games from the 89/90 promotion season, such as Swansea and Sunderland away.

"My favourite matches would be any where we've beaten rivals Plymouth Argyle. Especially last season's 4-0, and both matches against Peter Shilton's sides in the 92/93 season.

"My favourite players are Tony Kellow, Peter Hatch, Steve Neville, Steve Flack (naturally!) Adam Stansfield and more recently Craig Woodman, who I thought was one of the most under-rated players we had.

"As an aside, my late Dad was also a £1000 Foundation winner, and he was lucky enough to have his cheque presented to him by George Friend just after he had been sold to Wolves.”

About the Foundation 

The Exeter City Foundation is a great deal, especially for City supporters. Being in the draw makes you eligible for 67 prizes throughout the year, of which 64 are cash prizes. Members who are season ticket holders have the additional benefit of the end-of-season benefit of cash back or a voucher for the ECFC Shop.

With current restrictions you can only join on-line – see link – and prizes are paid direct to winners’ bank accounts. For further information please contact Foundation Administrator, richard.horne@ecfc.co.uk