🗓 Quay Words | 'Why Football is good for Exeter'

As part of the Autumn season of the 'Quay Words' initiative, the Trust will be joining sports writer David Goldblatt and the Bard of ECFC, Rob Casey to discuss the importance of Exeter City FC being a supporter owned football club.

he evening will include a discussion on the importance of democratic ownership in sport and how communities can be involved with their club and how football supports the wellbeing of Exeter. Rob Casey will also share some of his poetry on the beautiful game, as we celebrate Exeter's status as a UNESCO City of Literature.

The event is being held at the Exeter Custom House on Wednesday, December 9, and will broadcast live and streamed free to your living room. For those who wish to attend in person in a socially distanced environment, the doors will open at 6pm for a 6.30pm start.

For more info & tickets, please click here