❤️ John Lee: A Thank You

On Monday, the wake of East Devon Grecian and club legend John Lee was held in the Trust Suite, and his wife Di would like to thank the club for all their support.

There was an incredible turn out to remember John, who sadly passed away earlier this month, and it was an afternoon of memories and stories of a man who touched the hearts of so many people at Exeter City. 

The Lee family has requested that all donations in memory of John are to be made to the Exeter City Women, who John was a staunch supporter of. It is apt that on the day his life was celebrated, the women sit top of the league. 

A message from Di: 

"I'd like to say a huge thank you to Elaine Davis for setting out the Trust room, organising the catering and helping with everything needed. Thank you to Big Col for being in charge of car parking.

Donations in memory of John are to go to Exeter City Women’s team.

Thank you to all who supported the celebration of John Lee’s life which was held in the Trust suite on Monday August 23rd at 2pm.

Donations to be for the Exeter City Women’s team in John’s memory.

Bank account name Exeter FITC
Code 08-92-50
Number 50000270

Please reference Exeter City Women FC

Cheque payee should be Exeter City Community Trust and reference of Exeter City Women FC."

Rest easy John. Forever A Grecian ❤️