🧤 Learning to 'Save like a Pro' with Scott Brown

Ahead of the new season, local Bradninch Town goalie and season ticket holder, Gary Norman recently spent an afternoon being put through his paces by our goalkeeping coach Scott Brown.

Gary was invited down to the training ground to experience a professional goalkeeping coaching session and get tips on how to save energy on and off the pitch.  The session included how to control head positioning and footwork, two touch and ear flicks, how to save energy when moving from one side of the goal to another and how to preserve mental energy in a tough game, as well as learning about simple changes he could make to control energy off the pitch such as getting a smart meter installed in his home.

The in-home display that comes with smart meter shows in near-real time the amount of energy you use in pounds and pence give better control over energy usage, so users can see where they can be more efficient, budget more easily and be more in control of their bills

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“What better way to prepare ahead of the new season than to learn from a pro? It was an invaluable experience that I’ll never forget and I hope to put what I learned into practise next Wednesday for Bradninch... I was also really interested to learn about controlling energy off the pitch at home and the benefits of getting a smart meter installed. If you look at the in-home display unit you can see what energy you’re using and saving – I need something similar to use on the pitch next week!” Gary

“I’d definitely encourage all Exeter City fans to get a smart meter installed” Scott Brown