📝 Kevin Spencer scoops December's BIG Foundation Prize

The latest winner of the Foundation’s BIG monthly prize of a cool £1,000, indeed the last winner of 2021, is Kevin Spencer, seen on the left of the picture receiving his cheque from Club Secretary Andy Gillard.

Kevin was delighted with his prize, coming just before Christmas too, he plans to use the money to help towards his holiday in Florida, planned post Boxing Day, restrictions permitting of course.

Kevin has let us know a little about his background to supporting City:

"I have supported City since my son-in-law started to play for the club in 2006, despite him moving on to pastures new I was hooked and have supported City ever since. I am now a season ticket holder.

"My most memorable matches are two play off semi-finals , where City came out on top. Firstly the win at Oxford in 2007, a truly great night, also the following year turning the game around to beat Torquay 4-1 on their patch.

"Matt Gill stands out as an inspirational player for City and he never listened when I told him not to go to Bristol Rovers! It was good to see him return. Wayne Carlisle wasn’t too bad either."

About the Foundation

The Exeter City Foundation is a great deal, especially for City supporters. Being in the draw makes you eligible for for 67 prizes throughout the year, of which 64 are cash prizes. Members who are season ticket holders have the additional benefit of the end-of-season benefit of cash back or a voucher for the ECFC Shop. With current restrictions you can only join on-line – see link - and prizes are paid direct to winners’ bank accounts.

For further information, please contact Foundation Administrator Richard Horne at foundation@ecfc.co.uk