📝 Katherine Astbury scoops February's BIG Foundation prize

February’s winner of the Foundation’s BIG £1,000 monthly prize is Katherine Astbury

In her own words, this is Kate’s take on winning the prize - again!

I am delighted to be a Foundation winner this month - it's the 2nd time I've won £1000 so I'd definitely recommend the scheme to all City fans!

"I've spent the last 21 years in Coventry so haven't been able to watch City as regularly as when I lived in Exeter but the pandemic has ironically led to me watching more games than usual!

"As a Trust member, I know how important ticket sales are for income and so when the club asked all those who could afford it to buy a season ticket for 2020-21, I bought one straight away.

"As a result, I've been able to watch games live through IFollow, though I have to admit the irregular kick-off times sometimes catch me out! Luckily the club's Twitter feed does it's best to remind me... I can't wait for fans to be back properly though - matches just aren't the same without the atmosphere that the crowd brings."

The Exeter City Foundation is a great deal - witness above!

About the Foundation 

The Exeter City Foundation is a great deal, especially for City supporters. Being in the draw makes you eligible for 67 prizes throughout the year, of which 64 are cash prizes. Members who are season ticket holders have the additional benefit of the end-of-season benefit of cash back or a voucher for the ECFC Shop.

With current restrictions you can only join on-line – see link – and prizes are paid direct to winners’ bank accounts. For further information please contact Foundation Administrator, richard.horne@ecfc.co.uk