💬 Matt Taylor: "In my two and a half years I’ve stood here proud but never to that level."

City Manager Matt Taylor says he’s never been prouder of the group of players in the wake of a strong defensive performance on the road.

The Grecians came away with a point and their pride after spending all of the second half with nine men due to two red cards in the first half.

“In my two and a half years I’ve stood here proud but never to that level” Matt said, “I can’t speak highly enough of the way they conducted themselves”

Speaking on the performance Matt said, “I can’t quite comprehend what those players have done”

Matt was also complimentary of the character of the squad, especially our home-grown talent, “we had 10 academy players on that pitch, five on the pitch and five on the bench” and asserted what a learning opportunity that game would be for the young players.

Hear more from Matt here: