Cutouts: Update and Collection Details

Hundreds of you have already contacted us to let us know you'll be collecting your cut out, need it to be returned by post or that we can recycle it. Thank you.

It's been a more complicated and lengthy process than we had imagined for several reasons.

It's been difficult in some cases to select the correct cut out from the information given.

The only identification we have on the cut outs is the initial and last name of the person who placed the order and amongst the 100s of cut outs there are many that share the same details.

Some of you may have had a phone call or received a photo and message saying....."is this you?" we're really doing all we can to find your images.

We've also had a delay in returning cut outs by post due to courier difficulties but this should be resolved in the coming week.

Collection day is Sunday 4th July from 10am-4pm.

We must adhere to Covid rules - Masks, social distancing etc.

We will operate a one way system to avoid unnecessary contact.

Enter the car park by the St James Road entrance, the Red Square gates to Stadium Way will be shut.

Ambassadors will be on hand to let you into the Centre Spot Bar avoiding overcrowding.

We'll ask your name and hand over your cut out. 

You leave the bar via the fire exit and will be directed to St James Road.

We do need to know your wishes in advance to make collection as efficient as possible. To aid our volunteers it would be helpful if your visit was not made at the very end of the afternoon. 

Many thanks for your cooperation.

If you have any questions, please email

Please note - the Shop will not be open on Sunday 4th but we hope to have ordering facilities available.