👏 Cans4City smashes fundraising target

The Cans4City recycling scheme set a target of reaching £2021 during the 20/21 season and has now reached £2031 with weeks of the season left!

When you look at the figures it really brings into perspective what an achievement it really is, almost 3 tons [2818kg] of aluminium cans recycled, or roughly 140,900 individual cans.

This is roughly the equivalent to the weight of two average cars, or the weight of a female African Elephant! 

The club would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to everyone that has recycled their cans with the club.

As St James Park is currently 'out of bounds’ to the majority of Grecians during this period of Lockdown, can we please ask if, where possible, people do not bring bags of cans into SJP until after the current restrictions are lifted.

There is now however, a dedicated collection point at the Coop store on Old Tiverton Road where bags of cans can be donated.


So far Cans4City has made a donation towards the building and planting of The Memorial Garden, purchased the wooden bench for The Memorial Garden & funded one of the Returning Soldier Silhouettes that are in place at SJP.
Cans4City are always on the lookout for small projects to fund, anything between £200 - £300, that fall outside of normal club funded projects. 
This is a 'Win/Win' situation, ECFC benefits from the extra monies generated, and the Environment benefits from recycling something which then doesn't just get dumped.

Thank you to everyone that has and will donate and supports Cans4City, it is very much appreciated.