🏃‍♂️ Support Jake in his Charity Run

The grandson of former Grecians goalkeeper Bob Wilson, who sadly passed away in October 2020, is raising money for the Stroke Association by running the perimeter of the St James Park pitch.

Jake Kelly will be running this Sunday, 23rd May on what would have been Bob’s 78th birthday and he will be supported by ten friends and family who will be there to cheer him on. It will be live streamed on Facebook for those who are unable to attend due to Covid rules. 

“Bob was a professional footballer playing for Aston Villa, Cardiff City & Exeter City and is truly missed by all clubs,” Jake said. 

“This run doesn't bring my grandad back but it could really help with supporting someone else in the same situation that he was in.

“Any donations would be greatly appreciated, I will also be collecting on the day as I've already had some donations kindly given.”

So far Jake has raised over £400 towards his £1000 target and donations can be made via Facebook. If you would like to donate to Jake’s run, please click here

100% of donations go straight to the Stroke Association, who support people in rebuilding their lives after a stroke.