๐Ÿ’ฌ Jack Sparkes previews Oldham Athletic

Jack Sparkes was delighted to return to playing action and is raring to go ahead of this weekend's clash with Oldham Athletic.

Speaking ahead of Saturday's game against the Latics, the winger said: 

"It was brilliant to be back out there with the lads again. It's been a rough couple of months but to be able to play ninety-minutres on Wednesday, I'm really happy with that!"

During his absence the 21-year-old has been impressed with Jake Caprice and Colin Daniel's performances on the left and is relishing the healthy competition for places. 

"It's great to know that there are three or four players competing for the same position so when given the chance I'm looking forward to getting on the pitch and proving what I can do, hopefully starting with Saturday!" 

Check out all Sparkesy had to say below๐Ÿ‘‡