🎙 City to be part of Radio 5's Read Aloud challenge

At tomorrow’s game against Forest Green Rovers we’re planning something special and we want you, our supporters, to help us create a brilliant moment.

Over the last few months, we’ve been working with BBC Radio 5 Live who have been working on a project focused on adult literacy.

At tomorrow’s match, we are taking on the BBC’s Read Aloud challenge and are attempting our own ‘read aloud’ as a celebration of our unique ownership model and we are asking you, our fans, to join together to read a short poem which has been written by our club poet, Rob Casey.

Please join Rob in reading the poem aloud at 2.45pm. It will be recorded and filmed by BBC Radio Five Live for broadcast in the following week.

Both Exeter City FC and BBC Radio 5 Live encourage you all to get on board and be part of a brilliant moment.

Here’s his fantastic poem:

Our Own

For Grecians, only one word matters;
proud to say, 'one of our own'.
We own our club. That word connects us.
Our community. Our home.

At St James Park we have a voice.
We have the power, everyone.
Our football club is our platform
to make a difference, get things done.

We're Exeter, we're red and white.
We speak together, openly.
This is our story, honest fight.
We took the leap, and now we're free.