📝 Kit out the Cliff reaches over £36,000!

Thank you to everyone that has donated towards 'Kit out the Cliff' appeal. An amazing total of £36,800 has been raised so far!

Donations made on the websites in April, May and June amounted to £5721.44. So if you have made a donation in this way, Thank you! You have really boosted the total.

There have been two ways of donating to Kit out the Cliff so far, by transferring money directly into our Light up the Park fundraising account:

ECFCST Light up the Park. Sort Code 30: 80: 37 Account. 10751963 or by going to newtickets.ecfc.co.uk/donations

Since the last update we have also received generous donations from an East Midlands Grecian, from Mulholland & McQueenie & from the Supporters' Club which included a gift from the legacy of Ted Ashman.

The previous highlighted item, the HD projector and screen that costed £5000 has now been covered thanks to Great Western Grecians; Yorkshire Grecians; Andrew Rothwell; Corporate Trust Football Tournament; Steve Rowsell; Grecian Goal; Norman Selley; Promotions 2007 - 09 evening; Mark Cordell; Andy Bratt; Trevor Craddock; Julie Thorne's Bingo night; and Ken Lamacraft.

The next target is the kitchen Induction hob which costs: £1329. You can help cover the cost of the Induction hob by buying a raffle ticket at our next Fans Forum on Tuesday, July 26 at SJP.

Coming soon we have Promotion badges and two wheelie bins, donated by Exeter City Council with logos donated by Signs Express!

These will be giant money boxes at SJP just waiting for your coins when the season starts through our new scheme 'A pound for the Ground'.
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Thanks to everyone for your tremendous support so far! We only have £23,200 to go. We can do it together!