📝 John Brand scoops March's BIG Foundation Prize

March’s BIG Foundation winner of a cool £1,000 was John Brand, seen here receiving his prize from Club Secretary Andy Gillard in front of the Big Bank at last Tuesday’s match against Crawley Town.

John will put his winnings to good use - his apartment needs some work, this is the stimulus he needs to get things going!

John’s history of following Exeter City goes all the way back to the 50s, in his own words:

"My first match at SJP was last home match of the 1958 season in the old 3rd Division South. I went along with a boy from my home village of Exminster, that was George Ley who went on to play for City, as well as other clubs in both UK and the USA.

"I moved to Sussex for over 20 years and sometimes watched another club in red and white - yes, this week’s opponents Crawley! But the experience was not the same so it was good to get back to Exeter in 2009 and support the real thing!

"My favourite players for ability, length of service and professionalism were Arnold Mitchell and Alan Banks. For matches, I remember that at Workington that led to our promotion in 1964, also the FA cup matches against Leicester and Newcastle. More recently there was Ollie Watkins scoring the winner against Plymouth.

"I must also include the wonderful week in 2014 when we played in Brazil - I was there! The celebration match was played at the 1914 stadium and after the match Fluminense invited us to their large trophy room part of which celebrated the 1914 match v Brazil, with the original ball on display. We then did tourist things in Rio, what an experience, with watching Exeter too what could be better!

"It is good now to see the Club being run in the correct way, with Community ownership meaning the supporters in control, with fortunes not resting with a single owner. I would also urge supporters to back the Foundation which supports youth development at the Club."

About the Foundation

The Exeter City Foundation is a great deal, especially for City supporters. Being in the draw makes you eligible for for 67 prizes throughout the year, of which 64 are cash prizes. Members who are season ticket holders have the additional benefit of the end-of-season benefit of cash back or a voucher for the ECFC Shop. With current restrictions you can only join on-line – see link - and prizes are paid direct to winners’ bank accounts.

For further information, please contact Foundation Administrator Richard Horne at foundation@ecfc.co.uk