♻️ Cans4City raises £3959 during the 21/22 season!

As the 2021/22 season ends with success on the pitch and Matt Taylor receiving the well deserved accolade of LMA Manager of the Season for 2021/22 it is also pleasing to report success off the pitch as well.

Cans4City is very pleased to report that during the football season, July - May, 2021/22 they have recycled 4115kg of cans raising £3959.24  
However, in the financial year April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 the total recycled is 5081kg, raising £4528.55.
Since Cans4City went into partnership with Exeter City Council [ECC] in July 2020, they have recycled a staggering 8954kg raising £7718.55. This money has gone, or will go, towards small to medium projects within Exeter City and the wider City community. 
These projects include, but are not limited to, such things as; Exeter City Women, Exeter City Community Trust Outreach project and Tuesday Social Cafe, Andy's Man Club, Kit out the Cliff, items for the changing rooms, items for the City ground staff... the list is almost endless.
Special thanks must go to Matt Hulland from Exeter City Council, without whom Cans4City would not be raising so much money for the club's and community's benefit. 
Cans can still be recycled with Cans4City during the close season, so please still drop them off at SJP be that a few or bin liners full, they all count toward, hopefully, an even better year in season 2022/23.
Finally a huge thank you to everyone who saves their cans, be that collecting from friends and neighbours, picking up in the street and the countryside or however they 'acquire' them, without you Cans4City wouldn't be such a success!