📝 Kit out the Cliff nears £50k

We are proud and thankful to announce the Kit out the Cliff fundraiser has now raised £49,235.

The increase since thelast update has come from those of you who took part in the first Quiz night from entrance fees and raffle tickets, a few more Promotion badge sales, from a very generous donation from Grecian Goal pledges &andfrom everyone of you who donated via the Club website in September!

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And there's more to come.

The total does not yet include the income from the online auction which was very successful thanks to your generosity.

There are still a couple of payments to collect before the amount raised by the auction is confirmed, but the next update total will definitely be over fifty-thousand pounds!

Then we'll begin to count down, so as we raise more money the total needed will begin to shrink.

Remember we started with a shopping list?

At present all donations are going towards the Dishwasher for the kitchen, it was costed at £5000 and we now need £2974.41 to complete it.

After that there are just three items left, the noticeboards, whiteboards and shelving.

We've done so well, Grecians, you are the best!

How to Donate

You can contribute in the following ways:

By bank transfer to:

ECFCST Light up the Park
Sort Code:  30.80.37
Account number 10751963

By going to: newtickets.ecfc.co.uk/donations