💬 New boy Mitchell on trip to Burton

New boy Demetri Mitchell is enjoying life in the South West and is raring to at Burton after he scored on his home debut last weekend.

Despite defeat, Mitchell's acrobatic volley was his first in red and white and he sees it as an opportunity to build on.

"For any player making your debut it's great, but it was bittersweet for me," he said. 

"I've settled in and nowing the manager before I joined was good for me, but the lads have made it really easy for me - they've made me feel like i've been here a few months rather than a few weeks.

"It should be exciting this weekend. We're doing well away from home and they've picked up some form, and no matter where they are in the league if they've picked up form it will be difficult.

"We know what they bring to the table and we know how to deal with it."

Hear more from Demi 👇