πŸ“ Cliff Hill Training Ground development update

Work continues at pace on the new building at the Cliff Hill Training Ground, with a number of important areas being finalised ahead of the handover to the club in the next two to three weeks.

The first floor area is now complete with final decoration currently taking place. The ground floor area has the majority of areas complete allowing the project to focus on activating various mechanical and electrical systems. This will allow for the final commissioning and testing processes to take place in due course.

Once the building has been handed over to the club there are a number of items the club is responsible for, including the kitchen and gym fit out, transferring existing laundry equipment, installing televisions throughout the building and the installation of furniture.

This will take place during early February and once complete, will allow for the demolition of the existing building followed by reinstatement of the ground to form the new car parking area and entrance to the new building. The cladding of the external fascia will also take place during a similar time period.


Due to the fantastic support of β€˜Kit Out the Cliff’, orders for new equipment for key areas, particularly the Gym and Kitchen, have been able to take place. Thank you for your kind and generous donations.

It is hoped that on handover of the new building more images and footage will be able to be published to ensure all supporters will be able to see the fantastic progress of the new facility.

It is hoped that by early April, the site will be in a position to have a formal opening event with the site fully functional.