💬 Gary Caldwell on the transfer window so far

Exeter City manager Gary Caldwell has provided an update to the fans on the transfer window so far and plans for the next few weeks.

The Grecians have brought in two players in Vincent Harper and Jack Aitchison, whilst seeing a number of last season's squad depart. However, Gary is expectant that there will be movement soon.

"The next few weeks will be busy. said Gary. "We are working extremely hard on a number of players and have got a lot of contract offers out and are trying our very best to increase the size and quality of the squad.

"We have loan players that are pretty much agreed but they won't be announced for a couple weeks as they are with their parent clubs for pre-season.

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"Longer term when we look at the squad we think it's going to get to a level where we want it to be and short term I understand the fans frustrations that they want people in quickly (as do we) but the reality of it is that it's not happening at the moment but we believe that it will fall into place in the next couple of weeks before the start of the season."

"We want good players and good characters and are very big on how we find these characters. I speak to them and we give them some questions and Jon Pitts speaks to them. We look at their social media history too to paint a whole picture of the type of person we are bringing to the football club. We then work to find out how we can help that person develop and improve and they have to buy into that method of how we work.

"We will keep working on that, we don't want to become inpaitent and sign players for the sake of it. We have to be very clear on what we are bringing in and will continue to do that during the window."

Hear more from Gary ⬇️