💬 Gary Caldwell on pre-season so far

Manager Gary Caldwell has provided a short update on the return to pre-season training, with the group now midway through their first full week back.

Caldwell and his management team have already put the group through their paces in numerous sessions, with that first friendly at Tiverton a little over a week away. 

"The players have reacted really well to coming back and worked really hard," Gary said. 

"In terms of physicality, they had their first triple session where they were at the gym at 6am so they were working really hard early which takes them to another level, and then they did two further sessions.

"They've had two extremely hard days so we will have a lighter day today [Wednesday] and they'll be extremely hard again towards the end of the week and there's a Park Run on Saturday.

"They're not pushing their bodies to the maximum yet - that's where we're building back up to in preparation for a long and hard season."

Hear from Gary on City's training so far 👇