💬 Gary Caldwell on his summer transfer window plans

Gary Caldwell has given an insight into his plans for the summer transfer window, as City nail down their pre-season schedule and prepare for the 2023/24 League One season.

"I've been looking at and identifying targets since around February. Malcolm and the scouts have been out watching games," Gary said.

"The easy part is identifying, but getting them is the hardest part. You have to agree with the player, and the agent, and then the club, and a lot of things need to fall into place to make it happen.

We are working extremely hard but the supporters need to be patient, I need to be patient and the club needs to be patient. This is a long window and different leagues are at different stages.

"Depending on which players leave, we will be looking athe top end of the pitch as I feel we are defensively strong. The middle to top end of the pitch is where we need numbers, but we will be looking to sign another goalkeeper as well. We know exactly what we need."

Gary has confirmed that there is no update on the players who have been offered contracts for next season, while clarifying the club is in a position where it does not need to sell existing contracted players.

"You can't ever say there won't be bids for players, and we are prepared for a couple who may receive bids. We have contigency plans should that happen but we are not in a position where we need to sell those players. We will look at every bid that comes in on its own and see if it's the best thing to do for the club."

Hear Gary's full summary of the transfer window plans 👇