Bat Service grab Flybe tickets

The eighth edition of The Great Exeter City Quiz ran over four weeks and finished with the Grand Final on Halloween! This didn’t scare off the 22 qualifiers who fought long into the night for the top prize of Flybe flight vouchers.

The teams played each other in a league format and there was a tremendously close finish, when no fewer than five teams had a chance of victory going into the last match.

However Paul Marks’ team, Bat Service, just managed to peak at the right moment to claim those valuable Flybe flight vouchers, kindly donated by our main club sponsor and the trophy which makes them Exeter City’s 2012 quiz champions.

Huge thanks should go to Norman Warne and his team who, once again, devised a successful and entertaining quiz and who poured long and hard over the sometimes fiendish questions!

They all volunteered, simply to help the club raise money and to give all the participants a bit of fun. We should consider ourselves lucky and it’s just more evidence of the lengths to which people will go to support what the football club does.

Keep an eye out in 2013 for the next version of the quiz and congratulations again to this year’s winners, Bat Service!