City Legends attend golf day

City Legends attend golf day

Warren VETs hosted the Exeter City Legends to play for the Ivor Doble Cup. The match was organised by Warren member and ex-Exeter City player Alan Banks. 
This year a full team of 11 former Exeter City players’ gathered at the Warren for this better ball match. In this case home advantage did not tell as the past Exeter City players’ took the trophy 6-1. The Ivor Doble Claret Jug, donated by past Exeter City Chairman Ivor Doble, is played for on an annual basis and provides a fun day and the opportunity for some significant story telling. 

The VETs Captain Mike Redman hosted for the Warren and managed use the match to add further donations to his Captains Charity, Hospiscare.  The charity will benefit to the tune of over £1000 when this years’ captaincy completes at the end of this month.  

Mike Redman said: “Exeter City Legends extracted revenge for last year's draw by winning the Ivor Doble Trophy by a stunning margin of 6-1.

“Well done to David Williams and Maurice Willey for their face-saving win for the Warren Vets."  

Former Grecians player Alan Banks said on behalf the Legends: “We caught the Warren Vets on an off-day. Exeter City players played very well, the score-line was not a fair reflection on the golf played.  

“The players thoroughly look forward to playing on this course and our thanks to all the donors of the prizes, the Warren members and staff for the first-class organisation, the food, the course and the welcome. 

"We will look forward to next years' match.”

The following day the Warren hosted the FORCE Cancer Charity day. 26 four-balls enjoyed very good weather and excellent playing conditions on this links course. The generosity of fellow golf clubs, retailers and individuals allowed a plethora of prizes to be won.  Warren member John Stokes helped organise the day which is now in its fourth year and has proven a great success year on year.

The Force Cancer Charity is based in Exeter and its voluntary work finances improvements in local patient care through research and the purchase of advanced equipment and the Cancer Support and Information Centre located in the grounds of the RD&E Hospital.  

Mr Mervyn Hayes, the Friends of Force coordinator speaking on behalf of the charity at the prize-giving event, gave a summary of the work undertaken by this voluntary organisation and the need to raise £800,000 this year to continue their good work. 

He also praised the excellent work of the volunteers and the support given by the Warren Golf Club and looked forward to returning next year. The golf day was expected to generate over £1800 towards further Force activities.