Official Statement: Tribunal Results

How much will we get for Troy & Dunne?

The decisions of the Professional Football Compensation Committee meeting held on Wednesday 19th September 2012 are as follows:

James Dunne - Exeter City to Stevenage

• The PFCC decided that Stevenage should pay Exeter City an initial compensation fee of £75,000
• Additionally, Stevenage are to pay Exeter City a further £25,000 after the player has made 30 and 60 appearances i.e. a total further payment of £50,000
• Stevenage should also pay Exeter City 20% of any profit made by Stevenage in selling the player to another club at any point in the future

Troy Archibald-Henville - Exeter City to Swindon Town

• The PFCC decided that Swindon Town should pay Exeter City an initial compensation fee of £200,000
• Additionally, Swindon Town are to pay Exeter City a further £20,000 after the player has made 15, 30, 45 and 60 appearances i.e. a total further payment of £80,000
• Swindon Town should also pay Exeter City a sum of £40,000 if they are promoted to the Championship whilst the player is employed by the club.
• Swindon Town should also pay Exeter City a further sum of £100,000 if they are promoted to the Premier League whilst the player is employed by the club.
• Swindon Town should also pay Exeter City 20% of any profit made by Swindon Town in selling the player to another club at any point in the future

In accordance with the rules of The Football League, and in agreement with The Professional Footballers’ Association, the Professional Football Compensation Committee (PFCC) is responsible for setting the compensation fee for players Under 24 where the club formerly holding his registration and the club next holding his registration fail to reach an agreement regarding compensation for training and development.

The PFCC comprises of an independent Chairman, an appointee from The Football League, an appointee of The Professional Footballers’ Association and an appointee of the League Managers’ Association.  

In setting these compensation fees, the PFCC took into account the costs of training and development, the player’s age and playing record, the length of time he was registered with his former club, the terms offered by both clubs, the status of the two clubs, transfer fees paid previously for his services and the interest shown by other clubs in acquiring the registration of the player.