Coles: “A good lad & an honest pro”

Skipper pleased at Gill retention

Exeter City captain Danny Coles is pleased for a number of reasons that Matt Gill will become a permanent member of staff at St James Park in January when his Bristol Rovers contract is terminated.

And City captain Coles, who is currently sidelined after a knee operation, is pleased that Exeter will be retaining his services so that he can contribute towards City’s promotion ambitions for the season on the pitch and in the dressing room.

But for Coles, who car-pools with Gilly, Tommy Doherty and youngster George Rigg on their commute to the Cat & Fiddle, it’s not the only reason why he’s happy to see Gill remain at the club.

“It’s nice of him to sign from my point of view, because first and foremost it reduces my petrol fare – let’s not beat around the bush!” joked Coles.

“But Matt’s been here before and he knows the club and played under Tis, and I would imagine that things are quite similar to the way they were before.  He fitted straight in and integrated really well with this group of lads.

“He’s a good lad and an honest pro, which is what you want around your football club.  We need as many positives we can around the training ground, so to have him on board for the rest of this season adds some strength to the numbers and quality we’ve got in our midfield.”