Memorial Garden – pledge a brick

Commemorate a Grecian in the new Memorial Garden

Exeter City supporters can pay tribute to fellow Grecians that are no longer with us by pledging to an engraved brick in the wall in the Memorial Garden at St James Park, which is currently being constructed behind the Flybe Stand.

Supporter Andy Holloway had the brainwave of establishing the Memorial Garden, which is now taking root under the large Adam Stansfield Foundation logo where supporters can remember their loved ones.

Because the memorial wall needs to be erected at the same time as the retaining wall, pledges for engraved bricks need to be made as soon as possible so that the layout can be planned.  Engraved bricks are estimated to cost between around £25 and £30.

If you are interested in commemorating a loved one in the Memorial Garden at St James Park, or wish to make a donation towards this project of remembrance, please contact Alice Cooke by emailing as soon as possible.