Tis: “It’ll be good to have continuity”

Paul happy to have kept experienced pros

Exeter City manager Paul Tisdale admitted that being able to retain a nucleus of senior players from last season has been an encouraging sign for the forthcoming season.

While a handful of departures have taken place, a majority of the leaders in the team have been retained by the Grecians and will provide a segue between last season and the next.  The recent renewal of contracts for Tommy Doherty and John O’Flynn – as well as youngster Tom Nichols – have prevented Tis from having to make too many changes to the constituency of the side – and Tis feels that that is a positive.

“It keeps the continuity,” said Tis.  “Some would argue that it’s good to have lots of changes – I would always argue towards continuity.

“This year, the risk will be the performances of the younger players because they’ve not yet gained that experience and that depth of knowledge of the game.  So it’ll be good to have as much continuity in other areas as possible – John O’Flynn and Tommy Doherty are two players who continue that feel from last year and hopefully I’ll be able to build around them.”

Paul also spoke of the decision-making process that has taken place in terms of tweaking the squad accordingly in time for kick-off on August 3rd, when Bristol Rovers will be our first visitors.

He also suggested that a new arrival could join up with the squad in the near future to bolster the ranks.

“We’re well aware of having to spend the appropriate amount of money for this particular time, and that has meant making one or two decisions,” he said.  “Those decisions have revolved around releasing a few of the senior players and making space for the younger players to come through – which could be seen both ways, but let’s look at it in a positive way – and the possibility of making one or two signings.

“I’m glad to say that most of the senior players we wanted to keep have either signed or are about to sign.  The younger players are all looking fitter, stronger and more confident – and maybe I’ll be making a signing imminently.

“I’m looking for a forward.  We’ve got John O’Flynn, but we’ve lost Jamie and Guillem – last season we went in with three senior strikers, and this year I’d like to go in with two.  So I’m looking for one more.”