Tis: “Yeovil was a real story last year”

City gaffer looks ahead to Tuesday trip to Huish Park

Ahead of Exeter’s trip to Huish Park on Tuesday night, Exeter City manager Paul Tisdale was looking forward to the challenge that lay ahead – and reserved praise for the recent achievements of Yeovil Town.

Glovers gaffer Gary Johnson, who rejoined the club 18 months ago after having left the club back in 2005, completed one of the most remarkable achievements across the Football League last season. His side, who had been expected to struggle in League 1, instead finished amongst the play-off positions.  They went on to defeat Sheffield United over two legs before overturning Brentford 2-1 at Wembley, to secure an unthinkable place in the Championship.

The two sides played out a 2-2 draw a year ago in pre-season as the sides prepared for their respective campaigns, though Tis feels that Tuesday’s game will have a different feel to it than that of 12 months ago.

“It’ll be a different type of game – they’ve certainly taken it up a level,” Tis said of the Glovers.  “They got promoted and they’ve brought in players like Dan Seaborne, who we know, and good for them – they’re certainly improving their team and it will be a really good test.

“So I’m very much looking forward to playing against them, and I hope we take a good crowd.  It’s always a good game up there.  Their team is improving and getting stronger all the time, and it’ll be a real test for us.”

And Paul is prepared to meet the challenge that a Gary Johnson team will pose – and in particular, a team that are preparing for life in the second tier.  With Yeovil and Exeter both losing to Swansea last week, there’s an opportunity for one of the two sides to pick up the runners-up spot in that three-way round-robin.

He continued: “I don’t think Yeovil will change their style of play too much from what they’ve been successful with – Gary’s teams are always very quick to the ball and decisive and dynamic, so I imagine we’ll get that sort of test.

“They know who they are and they play to their strengths.  Gary knows exactly what he wants from his players and they play very effectively.  Theirs was a real story last year.”