City helping to crack prostate cancer

Football League clubs kick off fundraising effort to raise funds for Prostate Cancer UK

This weekend, Exeter City are joining together with the rest of the Football League’s 72 clubs in pledging to support Prostate Cancer UK’s Sledgehammer Fund and Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.  The activity is part of their contribution to a season saving men’s lives in support of The Football League’s Official Charity Partnership for the 2012/13 season.

And as part of our support, this Saturday’s bucket collection at St James Park will be in aid of Prostate Cancer UK.  We hope that Exeter City fans and the travelling contingent from Bradford will show their generosity towards this very worthwhile cause.

The Sledgehammer Fund aims to wake up the nation to a disease that kills 10,000 men every year.  That’s one man every hour, and the number of men with the disease is rising at an alarming rate.  
While it is already the most common cancer in men, prostate cancer is predicted to become the most common cancer of all in the UK by 2030.  It’s as big an issue for men as breast cancer is for women — yet prostate cancer gets just a fraction of the money for research.  The disease is poorly understood, the tests aren’t good enough, and the treatments can have life-changing side effects.  The prostate is approximately the size and shape of a walnut, and Prostate Cancer UK needs a huge sledgehammer to crack it

Exeter City centre-half Pat Baldwin said: “We are proud to be playing our part in supporting the Football League’s Official Charity Partnership with Prostate Cancer UK, during prostate cancer awareness month and we call on our supporters to help crack prostate cancer by giving generously to the bucket shake at our forthcoming match against Bradford on Saturday.

“Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, killing more than 10,000 in the UK every year.  It’s so important that all men know about the disease, which is why we are delighted to play our part in getting the message out there as far and wide as possible – throughout the football community and beyond.” 

Mark Bishop, Director of Fundraising at Prostate Cancer UK, said: “We are delighted that Exeter City are supporting us to help raise awareness of prostate cancer.  Between the time it takes for a football fan to walk through the turnstiles, watch the match, get a burger at half time and leave the ground, two men would have died from prostate cancer somewhere in the UK.

“On Saturday our team of volunteers will be out on force shaking buckets outside the grounds.  All funds raised from the day will be ploughed back and invested into crucial medical research and our support services, so that we can help even more people affected by this disease.”

Greg Clarke Chairman of the Football League said: “Prostate cancer affects hundreds of thousands of people across the UK every single day and I’m proud that all 72 Football League clubs have united behind a season saving men’s lives.  I would encourage fans to get involved with fundraising and make a difference to the lives of thousands of men across the country.” 

Players, staff and fans of the 72 Football League clubs are helping more men survive prostate cancer and enjoy a better quality of life, between 2nd and 16th March, by staging special matchday-focused activity to raise awareness and money of and for the services of Prostate Cancer UK.  Around the country, fans can find information in their matchday programme, on the club website, TV adverts on club’s big screen and read all about the partnership in the Prostate Cancer UK fanzine. 

Fans will be able to donate via a bucket collection, the website or by texting CRACK to 70004 to donate £5* to the Sledgehammer Fund.  For further information visit

Football fans are also being encouraged to represent their club and sign up for the Prostate Cancer UK Total Football Cycle.  The challenge will see fans, players and club officials from across The Football League take to the saddle for a unique two day ‘Total Football’ themed, 155-mile challenge from London to Amsterdam, for the 250,000 men living with prostate cancer across the UK. 

Former England, Watford and AC Milan striker Luther Blissett, who has already signed up for the London to Amsterdam ride as part of Prostate Cancer UK’s team, said: “I am thrilled to be taking on the London to Amsterdam ride in support of Prostate Cancer UK and its Official Charity Partnership with the Football League.  It will be a great experience as fans from across the League will join forces on their bikes to raise thousands of pounds to help the charity support the 250,000 UK men living with prostate cancer – that’s enough to fill Wembley Stadium three times over. 

“Rivalry between clubs can be fierce, and although this isn’t meant to be a race, I am sure there’ll be a sprint to reach the finish line, but we’ll definitely be all on the same team when it comes to raising awareness and funds for prostate cancer.”

Fans can find more details and sign up at to represent their club for the London-Amsterdam cycling challenge.  Prostate Cancer UK asks cyclists to raise a minimum of £1,000.  The registration fee is £149.  Spaces are limited to 20 places per club. 

For more information, please contact Elaine Nixon, Media & PR Manager at Prostate Cancer UK, on 020 8222 7645 or at or Peter Hannon, External Affairs Executive at the Football League, on 020 7487 9683 or at