Strikers drop in on Comic Relief

Flynny and Bussy help out EDF Energy and Comic Relief

If you heard an Irish brogue or a Spanish twang on the end of the line when you phoned up to donate to Comic Relief last weekend, now you know why!

Exeter City footballers John O’Flynn and Guillem Bauza dropped into EDF Energy’s main Exeter office last week to give their support to employees’ efforts to help raise millions of pounds for Comic Relief.

Some 300 volunteers worked shifts, taking calls on 75 phone lines donated by EDF Energy for the nationwide appeal, from 7pm to midnight on Red Nose Day on Friday 15th March.

Linking with the live BBC One show, thousands of calls were expected to be taken at the company’s Exeter Business Park site, in an effort to raise money for a range of UK and overseas Comic Relief initiatives.

Strikers Guillem Bauza and John O’Flynn paid tribute to their efforts.

John O’Flynn said: “Comic Relief raises money for some brilliant causes and it’s great that here in Exeter everyone at EDF Energy is helping to make that happen.  All of us at Exeter City are appreciative of their efforts.”

EDF Energy’s Exeter employees have been raising money with a 1980s-themed dress-down day, cake sale, fancy-dress competition and raffle.

Luke Bray, EDF Energy’s Exeter-based Comic Relief operations manager, said: “Everyone was delighted that Guillem and John could drop in to thank the volunteers personally.  We’ve got employees, family and friends all working really hard to answer calls to make sure we can help raise as much money as possible. EDF Energy has been supporting Comic Relief for many years and once again the phones were buzzing.”

Entertainment and food were laid on throughout the evening for the volunteers and their children.

EDF Energy’s own services were not affected with customers able to call as normal.