Ref Watch: Oxford United

Sarginson calling the shots at the Park

Christopher Sarginson will take the whistle for Tuesday night’s crunch clash against Oxford at the Park.

The Staffordshire-based official is no stranger to these surroundings, with this being his seventh visit to SJP in his seven seasons of Football League and Conference refereeing.  City have won two, drawn two and lost two of the previous six.

Perhaps most notably from a City perspective, Sarginson was the man in charge on that famous day at Plainmoor in May 2008 when the Grecians came from behind to record a thumping 4-1 play-off win over Torquay, with one of the goals coming from the spot after Sarginson spotted a foul on Richard Logan.

This season Sarginson has refereed 18 games, including four in the Championship, and handed out 58 yellow cards.  He has also shown four reds, three of which were given to Blackpool players in the closing stages of their defeat at Yeovil as the Tangerines ended the game with eight men.

Match Officials
Referee: Christopher Sarginson (Staffordshire)
Assistant referees: Adam Bromley (Devon) & Adam Hopkins (Devon)
Fourth official: Kevin Johnson (Somerset)

Tickets for Exeter City v Oxford United are on sale in advance – just click here to buy online, or ring Ticket Zone on 0844 844 4410.  City fans can also buy on the day of the game from ticket booths around the ground or upon entry to the Big Bank.