Baldwin’s Brazil Blog – Day 7

Finding time to train and the game against Tupi

We had a nice little lay in this morning after a very tiring, although amazing, day yesterday.  It seems we have spent half our trip so far travelling from one place to the next.

Training started at about 11am.  We were due to start a bit earlier but our coach never turned up so we had to arrange for taxies to pick us all up and ferry us over to the university to train.  It gave us a chance to sample the local driving – an experience I really wouldn’t be too fussed about experiencing again; they are a little crazy!

With the extremely hectic schedule and the sheer amount of travelling we have done, it has been quite difficult for Tis to get the necessary training in that we need with it being pre-season but we have managed it just about.

It has meant, as I have said, that we have been extremely busy with very little time to ourselves, literally to the point where we have only a couple of five- or ten-minute windows to get in touch with family.

With the schedule and time difference I have actually missed talking to my wife and little one a couple of times, which has been hard, but it really couldn’t be avoided.  In a way, it has been good that we have been so busy as it prevents boredom setting in when having to wait around between training.

With training completed, we were whisked off to lunch for an all-you-can-eat buffet.  The chefs must have been kept busy with 18 hungry footballers turning up!

Lunch finished, and what seemed like ten minutes, we were back down for pre-match in preparation for the evening’s game against Tupi.  It gave another chance for us to get some minutes under our belts and another step towards the first game of the season.

There was quite a surreal moment before the game in our changing room when the two Native Indians working on Roberto’s children’s project, gave us a good-luck dance.  I must admit it was a first in my career!

The game was enjoyable to watch.  It was more like a League 2 fixture with Tupi being quite physical.  It was a good win in the end although we left it quite late with the winner!

Our fans were again in attendance by their numbers and it was nice to speak to a few of them beforehand.  I’m sure they have enjoyed the trip as much as what we have.

We went for something to eat at the same all-you-can-eat buffet as lunch time and back to the hotel gone midnight for bed.