Baldwin’s Brazil Blog – Days 11 & 12

Saying goodbye to new friends

Our last day in Brazil was no doubt the most tiring of the trip.  We had a double training session in the morning where we got some very good team shape work finished with some line runs and the ultimate hill run to top all hill runs!

The hostel we have been staying at is sit onto of a huge hill.  To best describe its position would be to imagine a hill top fort or castle.  Leading up to the complex is one very steep and long hill.

Hill running is fantastic fitness work but towards the finishing line, my legs felt like they had fell off half way up and my lungs were ready to explode.

As hard as any fitness work is, we all got each through it as a team and it’s ‘in the locker’ as the saying goes.

Our flight wasn’t until the evening but to allow for any unplanned Brazilian drama, we allowed plenty of time to get to the airport.

Our new friends Eric, Ricardo and Luan were all there to say a few thank-yous and say goodbye.  In truth, it was us who were thankful to them as it was their fight, along with Bruce, Taggy, Gilly and others from our end, who made this possible.

We really are privileged as players to be a part of this historic event and we should all be very proud of our ties in Brazil.

After over 24 hours of traveling we finally made it back home safe and sound.  I for one will most certainly going back in the near future to see our new found friends.

Obrigado Brazil!