Primary schools’ Brazil art exhibition at Exeter Cathedral

City’s history interpreted by young students

For the past academic year, the eight primary schools in the Clyst Vale Learning Academy have been working towards an art exhibition which is currently being held in Exeter Cathedral until 1st July 2014.
Inspired by the story of Exeter City’s first trip to Brazil in 1914, the pupils have immersed themselves in Brazilian culture.  There has been dancing and drumming, but also some serious study.

Nick Stimson director of The Day We Played Brazil – the community play which is being held at Exeter Northcott Theatre this summer – led writing workshops; not just about the game, but also about Exeter in the First World War.  Students also enjoyed a ‘Drama Day’ at the Northcott.
Exeter City were also invited to share the occasion, and also on display are our Brazilian boards which tell the story of our historic game, along with various artefacts.

It is fascinating to see how the history of our football club has been interpreted by the youngsters from the Clyst Vale Learning Academy, and a privilege to share our football story with all visitors to the Cathedral.