Graham Cummins and Christy Pym on season’s opener of Kellow’s Bootlaces

Tune in tonight on Radio Exe

Kellow’s Bootlaces is back on the airwaves this evening on Radio Exe 107.3FM, and striker Graham Cummins and goalkeeper Christy Pym will be in the studio as tonight’s guests in time for the 8pm kick-off.

Cummins has netted three in three for the Grecians now since joining the club as the 1931 Fund’s player in the summer, while goalkeeper Christy Pym was voted the August Player of the Month by the fans and turned out for England’s Under-20 squad earlier this month.

There will also be match reaction from manager Paul Tisdale and goalscorer Jordan Moore-Taylor following the 2-1 win against Tranmere Rovers.

So tune in to 107.3FM in the local area or listen on around the world from 8pm.  And don’t forget that if you miss it, you can still catch Kellow’s Bootlaces on the podcast, either through the Radio Exe website or through the iTunes library.