Ref Watch: Northampton Town

Football League's youngest official to take charge at Sixfields

EXETER CITY will encounter a new man-in-black on Saturday as referee Ross Joyce takes charge of the match against Northampton Town at Sixfields.

The Eston official has refereed just one Football League match before - the encounter between Morecambe and Burton Albion in February 2014.
A regular official in non-league since 2007, Joyce officiated the Conference play-off final between Bristol Rovers and Grimsby Town in front of over 50,000 spectators at Wembley at the end of last season before making the step up to the Football League for this campaign.

Last season, Joyce handed out sixty-eight yellow cards and six reds in his nineteen games.

At twenty-nine, he is the youngest of the Football League’s sixty-two referees.

Match Officials:

Referee: Ross Joyce (Teeside)
Assistant Referees: David Richardson (West Yorkshire) and Daniel Robathan (Surrey)
Fourth Official: Andy Hendley (West Midlands)