Tis: “Matt can be a first-class player”

Manager gives his take on Grimes move to Swansea

Following Matt Grimes’ transfer to Swansea City, Exeter City manager Paul Tisdale revealed that he feels the midfielder has all the tools in his locker to have a hugely successful career in the game.

The 19-year-old learnt his trade on the training pitches at the Cat & Fiddle since the age of 10, and has now stepped up to the Premier League following on from an eye-catching 18 months as a pro in Grecian colours.

Matt’s contribution in the centre of the field this season has been four goals, a number of assists and stellar performances that have contributed in Exeter’s rise to within touching distance of the play-offs after a steady start.

And while admitting that it will be a shame to see his departure, Tis feels that with more hard work – and a bit of the necessary good fortune – that Matt could have a career of the highest order.

“He’s a very good young player that has been a pivotal member of our team over the last 12 months,” said Paul.  “We’ll miss that of course, but as in any season the personnel will changes and players will move on and it’s a gradually evolving team.

“We are prepared for it and were expecting it to happen so it’s not a surprise to us.  But we will miss a very talented young player who we are very fond of.  He has been a great contributor towards our upturn in form over the last two or three months.

“He can be a first-class player.  He has played for the England Under-20s and I think he could play at the highest level.

“There needs to be more development and more improvement; he needs the circumstances to be right for him and as a player you can’t always dictate that.  You need a moderate level of fortune so those things all stack up for you.

“And if he has the opportunity, I’m sure he’ll take it.  Let’s hope he gets an opportunity – I really hope he does.  We’ll be looking on his career with a lot of fondness and feeling very proud of what we have contributed towards his transfer and this moment for him.

“The club should be very proud of itself for putting all of this together and giving him the opportunity, and he has taken it.  He could be a first-class player and time will tell.”