Ref Watch: Mansfield Town

A look at the man in charge at the One Call Stadium

OLIVER LANGFORD will be in control of City’s away fixture at Field Mill on Tuesday evening, as the Grecians look to continue their momentum after Saturday’s derby win.

The West Midlands-based official has taken charge of twelve City matches before – the first of which was a 1-1 draw with York in the Blue Square Premier back in August 2007.

Langford was promoted to the Football League at the same time as Exeter, but City have won just one of the ten matches he has refereed since then; the 2-0 win over Carlisle at SJP last season, secured thanks to goals from Scot Bennett and Matt Grimes.

In all, Exeter have won two, drawn two and lost eight of the matches that Langford has had the whistle for, with only one red card across those games – for Rotherham’s Mitch Rose in the Millers’ 1-0 win at SJP in November 2012.

So far this season, Langford has taken charge of fifteen games in all competitions, showing thirty-four yellow cards and no reds.

Match Officials:

Referee: Oliver Langford (West Midlands)

Assistant Referees: Michael D’aguilar (Staffordshire) and James Bell (South Yorkshire)

Fourth Official: Christopher Akers (South Yorkshire)