New Grecian Memories Film Launched

Short film on Grecians Remember project now available to view

THE EXETER CITY HISTORY GROUP is delighted to announce that a new short film showcasing the Grecians Remember project has been launched and is now available to view.

Earlier this year the project, led by the University of Exeter, funded six workshops where former players, senior supporters and others connected to the club shared their memories of Exeter City.

Now, some of the highlights have been brought together in a short film which was premièred at the Grecian Groups Forum on Monday. A longer version is also at the production stage and a number of digital shorts will be made available.

The film can be seen here.

The Grecians Remember workshops were part of a larger project aiming to create a new Grecian Archive. Hosted by the University of Exeter, the Archive will be the online home of Exeter City's history.

“We are very excited by the Grecians Remember project and what it has produced,” said Professor Gabriella Giannachi of the University of Exeter. “The short film captures the remarkable spirit of the Exeter City family and is just the start of an ongoing programme of work to capture the history of this great club.”

Paul Farley, Chair of the Exeter City History Group, added: “People are the key to unlocking the story of the club's past. This film shows how memories contribute in a special way. We hope it will encourage others to share their memories and tell us about objects and other items relating to the club that they have in their possession”.