Do your bit at the Park at the Accrington match
EXETER CITY are proud to support the Exeter Food Bank.There is a collection point permanently in club reception which is emptied regularly. Just after Christmas we delivered three very large and heavy bags to Exeter Food Bank's storage site......Thank you to everyone who contributes to this charity.
This Saturday's bucket collection at St James Park is in aid of the Food Bank, so please give generously. Food Bank volunteers will be at our game against Accrington Stanley, and they'll be wearing Food Bank tabards so you won't miss them!
We'll also be collecting food donations on the Trust Stall.
Items always needed are tins of..... soup, meat, fish, vegetables & fruit.
Also, pasta, noodles, biscuits, as well as toiletries...toothpaste, soap, loo rolls, etc.
Imagine the basics we use every day & how we'd miss them if we could no longer afford them.
So, come on you reds, let's fill those buckets and shopping bags.
Thank you, and up the City!