The Great Exeter City Quiz 2016 - Reunited For City Scoop The Flybe Tickets

Thanks to everyone who took part

QUIZ TEAM Reunited for City clinched the Flybe tickets in the last match of the Final of The Great Exeter City Quiz, held annually at the club.

Patrick Cunningham, Steve Friend, Chris Evans, Paul Lovatt and Lee Cusick are pictured receiving their prize from club chairman Julian Tagg at the end of an exciting evening, where the unique league format of the quiz again showed why it’s so popular.
Thirty-two teams entered the qualifying heats and played each of the other teams in their heat over the course of the evening in matches of four questions with their progress shown on the big screen. Quizmaster Norman Warne and his team had once again devised both testing questions and an element of tactics involving jokers which sets this quiz above any other. The amount of time he and all the other volunteers devote to making the quiz what it is can only be admired. For certain those taking part appreciated it and the ovation they received at the end of the final was well merited and illustrated how participants enjoyed the quiz.
The format has meant that most finals have proved to be tight and exciting to the last and this year’s was no exception. The lead changed hands many times as the evening progressed and going into the last match three teams could still have won those Flybe tickets and the winners’ trophy. Reunited for City emerged triumphant on points scored but special mention should go to (past winners) H Block and Tigerstyle for coming so close.
The quiz works in many ways, by bringing people to the club and, of course, raising some money along the way, but teams have huge fun in return. We hope more teams will enter the next version of the quiz so that we can make it bigger and even better. It’s a different type of quiz and Norman makes sure he keeps you on your toes but that’s why it deserves as big an audience as possible so please look out for news of the next quiz sometime next season when everyone’s brain has had a rest!
In the meantime, if you’d like to know anything about the quiz then contact Andy Gillard on 01392 413954 or at