England vs Scotland World Cup Qualifer draw results

Results of the Supporters' Trust draw for England vs Scotland tickets

Thank you to everyone who entered the Supporters' Trust draw for the chance to buy tickets for the England v. Scotland match on Friday 11 November 2016.

In the end there were four pairs of tickets in the draw as the Club passed their two pairs back to us to include in the draw. As there were twenty four application from Trust members the extra two pairs were very gratefully accepted by the Supporters' Trust.

Four winners and four runners up were drawn, in case any of the winners declined the offer of tickets.  The draw is run on a secure basis, so the person doing the draw, Frank Sealey, does not know the identity of the people in the draw and the results are then verified by a third party – many thanks to Steve Chudley for performing this role.

The Winners were:

Graeme Lovell
Chris Green
Paul Sussex
Mark Batey

The Runners Up (in the order they would be contacted if a winner declines)

John Cracknell
Zoe Cozens
Phil Collins
Paul Cotton

All those who accepted the tickets signed a contract confirming what they will do with the tickets and then paid upfront for them (£65 each, £130 a pair) before they are handed over.