Reuben Reid: Positive atmosphere needed as Grecians go searching for win against Grimsby

Striker says negative chants are 'not in the best interest of football club'

Striker Reuben Reid says it is important for the Exeter City fans to create a positive atmosphere at St James Park on Saturday as the Grecians go searching for their first home win this season against Grimsby Town.


Reuben said he understood the supporters’ frustrations with home results, but added that it helps nobody if they boo or heckle their own players and staff during a match.


“I can assure you one thing as a footballer: booing a player, hissing or chanting (negative stuff) is not going to do anyone the world of good,” said Rueben.


“To any fan, supporting any club I would not advise you to do that because it can really affect some players.


“To me, it is still just a game and we have got to win regardless, but I do know that some players will take that negativity on board and they might have it on their back. That is why I wouldn’t advise it.


“You want the fans to be cheering your name or ‘come on City’, ‘come on Exeter’, it is all about support really.  To heckle someone and get on their back is only going to make them get smaller and smaller.


“Players will end up not wanting the ball. Everyone is different, some people may get affected, some may not, but generally to heckle your own team or staff is not in the best interest of the football club - definitely not.”

Reuben Reid coming on to the pitch in his first appearance for City against Plymouth Argyle


City go into the game on Saturday second from bottom in League Two, but Reuben admits it is way too early to start worrying about their position in the table.


The Grecians are still in the midst of an injury crisis and sides will go through similar runs to the ones that City have been through at the start of the season and therefore, with 35 games to go and 105 points to play for, all is not lost.


“I have had experience of playing in this league for the last few years and it is very early doors,” said Reuben. “I know for a fact it is way too early to be looking at the league table.


“You have got a good squad here. There are good players here. It would be easier to accept it if the team was struggling and no good as you could just say ‘we deserve to lose today,’ but the most disheartening thing is that the games I have been involved in we have actually been decent.


“Things haven’t gone our way and there have been a couple of mistakes that over the course of a season you iron out. People learn from their mistakes and once that all clicks I think we will be a decent outfit.”


Reuben said City would be treating the Grimsby match as they have done all the other games he has played in this season.


“It is a game of football and you’ve got to win,” he said.  “I think you get a sense of pressure because of what the situation is with regards to the home form but, at the end of the day, it is still a game of football.


“If you are playing anywhere you go out – even in a training game – and you want to win. I think the boys will be right up for it and we will be pulling together to get the result for the manager, the team, ourselves and the fans.”